viu ocult: hàptica
I’m not interested in limits nor orders, or obligations. My training as an architect meant the lethargy of drawing by hand and irrational, impulsive and atavistic expression, but it is also the meaning of knowing to appropriate a methodology, such as working in layers, the colour palette and the expression of the material itself. With this suite of monoprints I investigate how to represent in two dimensions, the feelings that our environment evokes to me.
In live unseen: haptic, I propose to look beyond the art pieces, to realize that our perceptions are not rational nor objective, cultivating this state of reflective perception and sensitivity of the senses that puts us in the world and allows us to relate to it, and at the same time relate to ourselves. The subtle pointed texture of the prints calls the tactile sense through the eye.
I recognize “feeling” as a fundamental criterion of life, which conquers our mind with memory and intelligence, connecting with the world and enriching our experience of it. As a result, I developed this project, based on the representation of mental and physical spaces through colour lithography, which allow me to develop this long temporality work of concentration and meditative states.
12 Lithographs on cotton paper
Somerset 300gr/m2
Unique Copies
106 x 76 cm each
Munich and Barcelona, 2014
(considero que la representación son elementos corporales de tactilidad y motricidad bajo la presión del color)